Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ryan's Non-complaint

Hi folks, Ryan the Werewolf here. Looks like it's going to be a pretty relaxed meeting this week. A couple of our regulars are off on vacation or something, and I don't know about the rest of you but I am definitely in that chill-down stretch leading to the dark of the moon on the 31st, so unless somebody here is having some real issues...? Anybody? Rough week?

Okay, good, then I move we adjourn the official meeting right now and cut right to the social hour. Do I have a second? Okay, all those in favor, say aye. Opposed? The ayes have it.

Well. So here we are, the dog days of summer. I like the sound of that. "Dog days." Dunno about the rest of you, but I really love this time of year. I can spend all day laying on the deck napping in the sun, and none of my neighbors bats an eye. I can even fill up the kids' pool with water and lay in it all afternoon, and nobody complains. And talk about meat! This is the one time of year when I can eat nothing but nearly raw red meat, every day of the week, and nobody looks at me like it's weird. Of course, I do have to fire up the grille and make a little pretense of scorching the steaks on both sides, first, but that's a small price to pay.

You know what's the one thing I don't like about this time of year? Sleeping. When it gets hot like this I have the hardest time in the world sleeping in a bed at night. So my solution is I move down to the couch in the family room in the basement, and give the old Tivo and my Netflix account a real workout.

And that's the question I'd like to hear you all answer tonight. What's your favorite were-thing movie? I mean, there's Lon, of course. You just can't question any movie with Lon. But what's next on your list? An American Werewolf in London? The Cat People? I don't know about you, but that Nastasja Kinski — like, rowr! She's enough to make me think about going feline.

But there's one I think is really great, that maybe most of you are missing, and that's Wolf, with Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer. I just watched it the other night, and it is so cool. All the stuff in it about the publishing business is pure bull, of course, but when Jack transforms, he is just — man, he turns into Hugh Jackman! And not faggy tap-dancing Hugh Jackman, but X-Men Hugh Jackman! God, I wish I looked that good when I transform.

Anyway, that's my pick. What've you got?


Anonymous said...

I know it's not a were creature movie , but I've always like the black and white Hounds of the Baskervilles. It's a dark, dark movie. Good for a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I never really liked horror movies growing up. It was too much like reality for me. But I did watch Dark Shadows at a neighbor's house when I was a kid. Couldn't watch it at home because Mom said it was a show from Satan. I know now that the show was really bad, but it was great when I was a kid. I really identified with Quentin. You know, the werewolf? Quentin's Theme was even a big hit on the radio, which was really cool.

Anonymous said...

Wallace and Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. It is such a brilliant piece of disinformation!

Hell, we all know what were-rabbits are really like. Nasty, bloodthirsty little bastards. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the one film that really got them right. But no, along comes Aardman Animation with their little claymation masterpiece, and it's all, "Ooh, look at them, they're so cute! Aren't they just so lovable? Don't you just want to hug them?"

God, I wish I had their PR agent.

Anonymous said...

Always willing to laugh at myself, I enjoy the MST3K movie Werewolf. It's got Joe Estevez in it--the brother of Martin Sheen. An added bonus, the female lead has a hard time pronouncing most of her lines--but she's a total knock out!

In case anyone's interested in seeing it, someone's posted it on youtube. I'm not sure if it's complete, though.

Anonymous said...

I watched soooooo much Dark Shadows as a kid. Ran home from Catholic grade school just to make sure I was in time. Oh the memories........

MacLaren said...

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf!"

I like how the couple is fighting and drinking and talking about hysterical pregnancies... and then that guy gets eaten!

Anonymous said...

Vidad... I think it's "Woolf," not Wolf. I don't remember the ending, though. Have to re-watch.